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Taxes Can Significantly Impact Profits

O’Neill & Gaspardo provide tax planning and reporting for both organizations and executives. Our team will ensure your compliance filing deadlines are met, but our main focus is helping minimize tax liability when possible through planning and taking advantage of incentives or credits that may exist. We will be your support arm to help with any tax agency inquiries and to make you aware of existing programs which provide short or long term tax benefits.

Time, Deferrals and Incentives

One of the basic tax planning strategies is to defer tax liabilities. When you are able to delay the tax payment timeframe, it enables you to use that tax money in effect as an interest free loan or to invest.  When we combine deferrals with available tax incentives or credits, it can significantly impact the bottom line. We help clients assess their situation, make projections and plan for the future.

Our Services Include:

  • Tax Planning for Businesses & Executives
  • Federal, State & Local Return Preparation
  • Benefit Plan Analysis & Administration
  • Payroll Tax Filings & Sales Tax Returns
  • R&D and Cost Segregation Studies
  • Tax Incentive Planning
  • IRS & State Communications and Audits
  • Succession, Transition & Exit Planning
  • Family Wealth Planning
  • Estate Planning & Gifting Strategies
  • Retirement Planning

Tax Planning is Vital

Taxes should not be an annual event or a checklist item. They should be part of an organization’s planning process and be included as part of the profit planning and review that occurs. Taxes have a substantial impact on a company’s bottom line, and our professionals are trained in the complex and often difficult to understand issues, including tax incentives and credits.